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Saturday, February 5

The Final Frontier 

It's been a couple of days, so the reality of the ending of Star Trek: Enterprise has settled in. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be more of a blip on the radar except for some of the Web sites I frequent (and help out on). While for the past 18 years, the Star Trek franchise has encouraged millions to "boldly go," perhaps it is time for the long-lived series to do the same.

After a disappointing experience with Star Trek: Voyager, I was never fully on board with a new series set before the original missions of Capt. Kirk, et. al. After four season, the show never truly won me over. I liked a lot of things about the Xindi arc from season three, but starting off the fourth season with space Nazis was bordering on ridiculous.

I'm sure there's a lot of other sites lamenting the series' passing and I feel for those who are losing their jobs. At the same time, I think the science fiction and TV worlds have moved passed Trek. Hopefully, with a little time off, Star Trek will come roaring back into a dominant place in the media universe.

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